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Moving Down to Move Up

For many people, the idea of getting rid of their belongings is a way for them to think of a reason to keep everything in their house no matter how flimsy that reason might be. If you’re moving, then not only will downsizing your home be good for you mentally, it will also be easier for Jacksonville movers. But where do you start?

Take a Look at Your Needs

Walk through every room in your house and study everything in it. Do you really use that treadmill? How many family meals do you actually eat at the dining table? How about that chair in the corner that no one ever really sits in? Don’t lie to yourself and say you’re going to start using all of those items. If you haven’t used them in the past five months, chances are good that you’re never going to use them.

Empty Your Shelves, Closets and Cabinets

Rifle through your shelves, cabinets and closets and get rid of everything that you can’t remember the last time you used it. It’s okay to put some of those items into storage, but if six months passes and you haven’t used them, get rid of them.

Take Measure

If you’re moving into a new home, grab a tape measure and see if you’ll actually be able to comfortably fit everything in your new home. Think about selling anything that won’t fit or that you don’t need so that you can make some money during the moving process.

All My Sons is here with experienced Jacksonville movers who can help you move out as you move up.

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